
  • If you are here because one of our technicians directed you to this page, please follow the instructions below to get started!

  • If you haven’t spoken to us about a remote support appointment already, please contact us and we will get you scheduled!

Step 1:

Click the following button to Download our Remote Support Software. A new tab will open, and the download may take a few seconds. Then come back to this page. This link will work for both PC and Mac.

Instructions for PC

Step 2:

You will now need to locate that file in your downloads folder. Go to your File Explorer, select downloads, and double click on the file in the screenshot below.

Go To File Explorer (yellow folder icon)

Go to Downloads Folder and Double Click This File.

You will see a User Account Control Pop Up asking if you would like to allow this programs to make changes to your PC. Hit “Yes”. Let your technician know when you see this pop up;

It may take a few minutes, but your technician should be able to remote into your computer shortly to assist you.

And don’t worry, this remote support tool is set to automatically uninstall itself after a few hours.

Instructions for Mac

Step 2:

You will now need to locate the below file in your downloads folder and double click to run it. You will see a message that this file “is an app downloaded from the internet. Are you sure you want to open it?”? Click “Open”.

Step 3:

Follow the prompts on screen, hitting “Next” and “Finish” to finish the installation. Let your tech know when the dialog box says “Setup has finished installing NinjaRMM on your computer”. They should be able to remote into your Mac to assist you shortly. And don’t worry, the remote support tool will automatically uninstall itself after a few hours.

Thank you for your business, and if you’d like to learn how to get Unlimited Remote Support every month from our local technicians, and much more, check out our Maintenance Plan!